maintenance for aircrafts

What the Future May Hold for Supersonic Air Travel

Recently, James Bridenstine, the Administrator of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) gave a presentation on the agency’s budget that he received from President Donald Trump. Among the projects he mentioned, was the potential to return to the age of supersonic air travel in the United States. His agency, he said, is currently working with…

Rotor Track Balance: What Is it and Why Is it Important?

Aircraft are used each and every day in the United States. From transporting goods to moving people from one place to another, helicopters have an important role to play. And seeing as how there were about 224,475 total active general aviation craft in the U.S. in 2011 alone, aviation engineers have their hands full maintaining…

Flyin’ High: New Libyan Domestic Airline Medavia Allows For Better Travel Throughout Country

The aviation industry is one of the biggest and most important industries in the world. As air travel becomes more affordable, people are looking to travel: in 2015 alone, there were over 24 million general aviation flight hours logged. While increased business means increased profit, only nations that possess their own domestic airlines can benefit…

maintenance for aircrafts

Identifying the Types and Origins of Helicopter Vibrations

Helicopter vibration can present dangers to the aircraft and both passengers and crew members on board. Not only can it shorten the lifespan of certain aircraft components, but it can also make flight both uncomfortable and unsafe. Part of regular maintenance for aircraft is identifying types and origins of helicopter vibrations and taking steps to…

vibration analyzer

The 4 Types Of Vibration And What They Mean

The many moving parts of an aircraft means that there will be a considerable amount of vibration while the aircraft is in operation. As pilots logged 24,142,000 general aviation flight hours in 2015, the same number of hours saw a variety of vibration and treatment for the vibration with portable vibration analyzers. However, not all…

field balancing equipment

What To Expect After Using Field Balancing Equipment

In order to properly balance the components of your aircraft, you should use field balancing equipment so that you are working on the components when they are in the same position as they are in flight. Performing aircraft maintenance in these conditions will ensure the safest conditions possible and with the FAA estimating that aviation…

portable dynamic balancing equipment

Aircraft Maintenance 101: Field Balancing Standards

Analyzing vibration in an aircraft is a delicate procedure. There will always be some vibration whenever the aircraft is on, making absolutely perfect balance unattainable. There are still standards to field balancing procedure to ensure that the bearings on the aircraft are not taking a beating from the machine. To ensure that you have realistic…

aircraft maintenance

International Partnership At WMU Promises To Boost Aircraft Maintenance Training

Western Michigan University is partnering with a global provider of aviation services, AAR. The goal of this partnership is to provide real-life aircraft maintenance training and work experience for students who are studying to become aircraft maintenance technicians. Through this partnership, WMU also aims to give these students the opportunity to be hired in the…