ACES Systems Model 1000, 1001, 1010, & 1012 Service & Support Obsolescence
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ACES Systems Model 1000, 1001, 1010, & 1012 Service & Support Obsolescence

History In the early 1990s, ACES Systems launched the beginning of the Model 1000 propeller balancing product line.  We originally released the ACES Systems Model 1000 Analyzer Series in the early 1990s, continued its evolution up to the Model 1010 and 1012, and then ceased production in 2002 as the next generation of ACES products…

Identifying a Blade #1 Offset with the TraX

Identifying a Blade #1 Offset with the TraX

Problem Are you experiencing issues performing a track and balance using your ACES Analyzer with a TraX?  You may have a blade offset problem.   Unfortunately, blade offset issues cause erratic readings due to the analyzer misinterpreting Blade #1 as another blade on the aircraft. Blade Offset Setting Overview The ACES TraX can compensate for Main…

JEDA-Less 5-Point Performance Run on TFE731 Engines
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JEDA-Less 5-Point Performance Run on TFE731 Engines

Simplify TFE731 Performance Runs With the New EMS Direct Connect System ACES Systems is proud to announce a new EMS (Engine Management Software) Direct Connect feature for the Viper II that does not require the use of the Model 1752B JEDA for 5-point performance runs on Honeywell TFE731 engines.  Using the Viper II, the EMS…

Your Comprehensive Field Balancing Checklist

Your Comprehensive Field Balancing Checklist

The aircraft industry has been taking flight in recent years, with global helicopter sales in 2017 expected to amount to almost $5 billion. This massive investment also requires an attention to maintenance for aircraft, which often involves using field balancing equipment. Use this comprehensive field balancing checklist to keep your jobs on track and in…

Helicopter Vibration Analysis: Why It’s Necessary And How It’s Done

Helicopter Vibration Analysis: Why It’s Necessary And How It’s Done

When you are operating an aircraft, it needs to be in optimal condition so that you and any passengers are safe. Regular maintenance for aircraft is essential, and helicopter vibration analysis is a key component in ensuring that you stay safe while in the air. Untangle the mystery of vibration in aircraft by finding out…

Aircraft Regulations Have You Confused? Here’s A Mnemonic Device To Sort Them Out

Aircraft Regulations Have You Confused? Here’s A Mnemonic Device To Sort Them Out

A pilot has to know the rules and regulations set out by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) before they fly their aircraft. These guidelines for routine maintenance vary greatly depending on if the pilot must follow Visual Flight Rules (VFR) or Instrument Flight Rules (IFR), so it is always best for any pilot to read…

What You May Not Have Known About Aviation Maintenance Technicians

Aviation maintenance technicians have a fulfilling job, but it’s far more than a day in the garage. With so many advancements in aviation technology and systems, the people who maintain the aircraft have a pretty in-depth job. There are many things about aviation maintenance technicians that you may not have known, just like you may…

5 Tips for Ensuring Efficient Aircraft Maintenance

Efficient aircraft maintenance is an integral aspect of owning any sized fleet, whether it’s one or 50. Dynamic propeller balance, vibration analysis, bearing vibration, and sky condition tolerance are just a few key aspects of proper routine maintenance. With roughly 131,500 service technicians and aircraft mechanics employed in the United States in 2017, there isn’t…

When Helicopter Vibration Becomes Dangerous and What You Can Do About It

Helicopter vibration can be a serious safety concern and cause mechanical issues. Vibration in aircraft occurs when spinning objects become unbalanced, meaning one side is heavier than the other. The extra weight on one side throws off the center balance, making the rotation lopsided. The lopsided weight travels around in a circle when the propellers…