4 Aircraft Maintenance Tips To Keep You Safe In The Air
Aircraft maintenance is a critical part of owning any plane, whether you have one helicopter or an entire fleet. All aircraft need to be serviced regularly according to the specifications that were provided by their manufacturers. That’s exactly why ACES Systems has come up with these 4 aircraft maintenance tips to keep you safe in the air.
Individual manufacturer requirements will differ, but every aircraft generally requires an annual inspection to check the condition of the plane. Now that it’s spring, now is the best time to have that annual inspection.
However, service and maintenance checks are necessary throughout the year including before every flight. With that in mind, consider the four following tips for aircraft maintenance this spring.
4 Aircraft Maintenance Tips
- Remember that oil changes are vital. When you keep your oil clean, it ensures your engine runs correctly and safely. You should change your plane’s oil after every 25 hours of flying time.
- Conduct basic checks on the regular. Various components of your aircraft need to be checked routinely rather than annually to prevent wear and tear. Inspect and test your spark plugs, hoses, and fittings to ensure they’re in good working condition and don’t need to be replaced or repaired. If they do need to be replaced or repaired, be sure to do it promptly.
- Be aware of your aircraft. One of the best ways to determine if something is wrong with your aircraft is to use your senses. You’re familiar with the norm of your aircraft, which means you’ll be able to tell when something feels off. If you feel vibrations during a ride that ought to be smooth or smell fuel when there shouldn’t be, call a technician or a professional. Never assume that something out of order is the norm.
- Set up a maintenance management plan. Maintenance management programs are great for ensuring safety and security with your aircraft. You can be sure when one of your employees has performed maintenance and when one of your aircraft needs an inspection. Maintenance management solutions ensure maintenance is performed when needed and not just when something is wrong with the plane.
Looking for aviation equipment for aircraft maintenance?
It’s no secret that aviation is still the king of the skies. In just 2015, over 24 million general aviation flight hours were logged. But aviation maintenance is crucial for a safe and efficient flight.
If you’re looking for aviation track equipment or balance equipment for maintenance for aircraft, ACES Systems is the place for you. To learn more about our high quality aviation track equipment and other products, contact ACES Systems today.